
Sunday, November 4, 2012

Surprise me Sunday ^_^)/)

Hello Everyone,
Today is Surprise me Sunday and it is also the very first post that I make on this blog. It is not my first blog but it is the first blog that I decide to make that has no particular theme to it. I'm sure that I won't have too many followers off the bat but those that do follow remember to share with your friends and the other lovely weirdos in your circle of life. This blog is not for the PG people nor is it for the people who are easily offended. We will cover just about any and every subject and at one point I will even ask you, yes YOU, to suggest topics for us to discuss here. This blog isn't for me. It's for you, my lovely little dinos and I hope that you will all enjoy reading this blog as much as I will enjoy writing it.

 Surprise me Sunday
Okay guys so today I decided to ask some of my people what their biggest fear was. To my surprise I got the same answer from just about everyone I asked. FEAR OF BEING ALONE. Okay, wtf?! I expected alot of  other type of fears like spiders, clowns and closed spaces but no the number 1 answer was being alone. It is understandable because come on who likes being alone. I personally find it that my mind takes off into weird directions. I start to question my life and the things I've done and not done. Being alone is bad for me and it seems that it is bad for alot of people. My inner child is mean when I am alone, I start to hear noises when there is nothing there. I start to think about death, things that make me sad and I remember all the bad moments I have had in my life. Yes depressing I know, but don't judge because I am sure many of you out there have this same fear. The fear of being alone, even if its for a couple of hours can be the worst fear for many.

So my little dinos my question for you is.......
What is your biggest fear and why???

Post replies below andddddddddddd don't forget to come back for more.


  1. This going to be a cool blog

    1. Thank you Pumpkin!!
      Don't forget to subscribe and to add your answers too. I love reading the awesome feedback. Kissy Kissy.


Hello my little Dino lover, please leave your comments below! Thanks for reading :)