
Saturday, November 24, 2012

Sobering Saturday <(*_*)>

Sober me up....Give me a tequila sunrise

Hello sexy little Dino lovers, it has been a very long and tiring Thanksgiving holiday. I hope that you all had a great time and had lots of yummy foods to eat. I always enjoy the holidays, mainly because it is a perfect excuse to get stupidly drunk and its basically okay. I don't get along with family but I am always willing to put it all to the side whenever the holidays come around.  I only wished they would do the same. I always hear the same things, "Why didn't you finish college?" "Why don't you get a job?" "Why don't you come around more often?" And I'm like jeez who the fuck cares. Why can't everyone just stfu and enjoy that we are together. It almost feels like everyone gets together to talk about those who are not doing that great or are not there. So basically I drink and drink and then drink some more until guess what.... nothing matters. I giggle every negative comment off. Yup it is what I do, it is my secret to happiness. Of course not everyone agrees with my method but honestly I don't care because it is what works for me.

So something that bothers me the most about Thanksgiving that I have been noticing happen more and more every year is that I feel I am getting ditched for Black Friday. Everyone is so eager to eat and leave that it really just annoys the fuck out of me. It is almost as if they are rushing me to hurry the fuck up so that everyone can go and stand in line at Wal-Mart. What happened to everyone just being together and enjoy the cooking and laughing and  just I don't know, bonding I guess. I grew up on tradition and things like that but I feel like we are all losing our traditions just to go save a few bucks. Yes big screens I get it, cheap toys and stuff, I also get that but I mean what about making memories and shit. Nope, Thanksgiving doesn't matter anymore. So why do I continue to host the holidays at my house you might ask. For the children. It is the main reason why I like cooking and baking and having everyone gather at my house. I like doing things for all the little kids. Seeing how bright their eyes get is what makes it worth it.

So lately I have been thinking alot about my lifestyle and what that means when it comes to kids. I have many many flaws and addictions.  But over all I am not a bad person, I just cope differently I suppose. Would I be fit to raise a child and do all the things that are needed to help them be a better person than me? I don't have the answers but I can only guess that maybe just maybe I wouldn't be so bad. These thoughts sober me up. But that would mean having someone that could put up with my craaaaazy shenanigans and who could put up with crazy ass me? HeHe. I think no one. For one I have yet to met a person that can keep up with my sexual appetite, my crazy drinking and my bipolar moods.

Anyways, for now I will continue to drink this delicious tequila sunrise and start my planning for Christmas. Who knows, maybe this year I will tell everyone to go fuck themselves and just have a great night at home by myself with my collection of toys. You simply cannot go wrong with sexual satisfaction.

Okay my lovely sexy dinos, my questions for today are:
Did your family drive you crazy during the Thanksgiving holidays? Which was the best moment you had? 
BONUS QUESTION: Did you do black friday and was it worth it?

As always don't forget to leave your replies/comments below. Subscribe if you already haven't and please pretty please share with your crazy ass peeps in your life. Hit the like/dislike/confused button below so I know if you like my shit or not lol.
Also I know its so stupid but YAY I have hit the 200 views mark and I love that. Hope one day I get to the thousands lol for those that follow me daily thanks I love each and every one of you.

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