
Monday, November 5, 2012

Madness Monday -.-)/)

From the moment my puffy brown eyes opened I have found that today has been full of pure madness. Not only was I too hungover for an interview but I took drastic measures and left the most time consuming online social outlet in my life: PALRINGO.

Alrighty then, so who here likes to drink on Sundays? Don't be shy, no one will judge you. I, for one, enjoy a good drink or five. So, last night after posting I decided to celebrate and drink a few shots of Circoc (my drink of choice). Okay so it wasn't exactly to celebrate but honestly the reason for my drinking doesn't really matter.  What does is that a certain someone was too hung over to realize that her interview wasn't til Wednesday. Yes my friends it was that kind of Monday, where it just went down hill from there. I went to the location where my interview was suppose to be held when I noticed that the business does not open on Mondays. Needless to say I was pretty fucking pissed because after dealing with 45 minutes of morning traffic the last thing I wanted was to realize that I woke up and got ready for absolutely nothing. So at 8am I already felt like I needed a drink. Ha! I am sure you have all at one point or another had this exact same feeling where something just fucked up your day from the moment you walked out that door and it just made you want to head out to your local bar and say fuck it I will try again on Tuesday. But no I wanted to be hopeful and think that maybe juuuuuuuuust maybe today would get better. As always life proves me wrong and I just wanted to start the day over.

Palringo. One simple word yet so many things come to mind. All my endless hours spend on an app that I honestly think has wasted so much of my not-really-important-time. If you don't know what Palringo is then my question to you is; Do you live under a fucking rock, bro. If you haven't checked out Palringo then please do. It is a fun app that you can use either on Iphone/andriod or your computer. If you have self control you can enjoy it but if you are like meeee then yeah it will be an issue quickly. Basically what Palringo or "Pal", as many users call it, is social chat that offers a diverse amount of chat rooms. You can either create a room and join one that has already been created. There is so much to do and you will meet so many great people as well as creepy people but don't worry you also have a block option to keep those annoying creepy people from private messaging you. Anyway I noticed it was a problem for me because it became an addiction and I just started to do less productive things. So I deleted this amaaaaazing app and not only that but deleted the account as well so that I won't be tempted to download it again. Yes I see it as losing alot of great people I met but what hurts the most is the money I lost hehe jaykay. No really I will miss the people but I must say that I foresee having withdraws so sadly for you this means more posts from me hehe (^_^).

So as you can guess my day has consisted of answering text messages as to why I decided to leave Palringo and people thinking that I am going through this emotional breakdown just because I decided to delete an app. I think I did the right thing but only time will tell. So as you can see my day isn't going so great and I am off to keep answering my text messages that are basically me reassuring people that I am not going to jump off the local bridge hehe ;)

Okay lovely little dinos, my questions for you today are these:
What is the worst thing that has happened to you due to over drinking the night before?
What social app do you think you have an addiction to and what would you do if it suddenly stopped working?

Don't forget to leave your answers/ feedback below and do a "Like" if you have Google plus. Also, please subscribe if you already haven't and share with all the little weirdos in your life........


  1. You will be missed on PAL

  2. Aww buddy well thank you for saying that but I am sure I will return. Just not sure when hehe.
    Thanks for reading my CRAZIIII thoughts


Hello my little Dino lover, please leave your comments below! Thanks for reading :)